Using Promotional Products Effectively for Marketing

by Courtney

There is no human being that doesn’t enjoy getting a freebie, we are just like that. Because of this, there are several benefits of promotional products you can tap into as a business owner. 

It is surprising that people still ask this question, “why use promotional products?” The truth is that with the most effective promotional products (know more), there is a lot you can achieve with your brand.

In this post, we take a look at how to use promotional items effectively and why you should use them.

Best ways to use promotional items

If you channel promotional items properly, they can perform a variety of functions. For example, you can use them to advertise new products, as reminders for clients, and rewarding customer loyalty. 

When you consider how much you spend on these items in relation to their results, it is very surprising. How can you spend so little on these items yet enjoy the immense benefits? Using the most effective promotional products effectively births tremendous results.

Here are a few ways to employ these products for the best results.


Enhancing sponsored events

This is one of the best ways to enjoy the benefits of promotional products. There are times you need to organize corporate events as a business. The aim most of the time is to attract new customers.

During these events, it is imperative that you present your guests with promotional items. You may wonder why use promotional products at these events. The answer is quite simple. They need to take something home from your event that acts as a memorial.

You don’t have to break the bank or spend a fortune on the promo products. The idea is not spending much but creating a lasting impression. With this, you can tie down that new investor and make the individual perpetually patronize your business.

Choose products that publicize your business best

When you think about this in relation to promotional products, it is a no-brainer. It is the most logical thing to do. If you are going to pick an item as a promo item, it must complement what you sell. If it doesn’t, there is no point, else it will direct traffic in the wrong direction.

Here are some examples to help you. If you are into clothing, it is only wise to use recyclable shopping bags as promo items. For a business that focuses on fitness, water bottles or towels will work just fine. 

When the promo item complements your products, it is easier for the customer to relate. This will ensure increased brand recognition and customer loyalty.


Make your promo items personal

This is one of the best ways to use promotional products. Some businesses just place the promo items on a table for their customers to pick. When you do this, the customers still appreciate the product, however, that personal touch is absent.

They will feel better if you walked up to them to hand them the package personally. This way, they feel a sense of belonging. Beyond this, it gives you a platform to share a discussion about your product and what their opinions are.

The whole idea behind handing out promotional items is making the client feel like they are receiving a gift. The best way to do this is by handing the item out personally.

Using them as rewards

How do you feel when a person tells you “thank you?” Of course, you feel good. This is the exact effect you have on a customer who patronizes your business frequently when you present promo items.

One of the benefits of promotional products is how cheap they are. Isn’t it surprising that your customers know that these items aren’t costly yet they appreciate them? This should answer your question of why use promotional products. It is not about the products most of the time, it is about the intent.

Your customers will feel elated with these products which causes them to be more loyal to you. Beyond this, as they carry these items around, unknowingly, they are helping to advertise your business. Soon, other people will start to patronize your business from just seeing your promo items with your customers.

For this reason, it is always best to make use of items that have long shelf-life. These are the most effective promotional products because customers use them for over a year. Now try calculating how much attention that item will attract over that period.


Work with a variety

When it comes to using promotional products, there are really no rules, just tips. You can decide how you want to use your products based on your client base. There is no hard and fast rule for using these items.

You can infuse creativity into the design of these products. The only watchword is that your design does not stray away from the objectives of your brand or the campaign. We advise that you create a tier of promo products.

Each tier should be designed to meet the needs of a particular set of people. For example, you can have a tier for your first-time customers and another for business associates. You shouldn’t forget your long-term customers and even your employees. 

In some cases, it is better to provide a range of products and allow your customer to make their choice. It might seem strange but you give them a sense of belonging with this. They can pick exactly what they need which makes you sure that they will use it for long.

Don’t focus on clients alone

While many business owners focus their promotional campaigns on clients alone, leaving out employees is not great. It is always wise to provide your employees with these items. When they use these items, it is easy for them to influence people to patronize your business.


These are just a few of the best ways to use the most effective promotional products. If you focus on these tips, you can enjoy the benefits of promotional items in your business. Now you can see the answer to the question, why use promotional items. If you have any demand for custom promotional products, welcome to inquire us at Zigpac.

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