What Are Your Shopping Bag Options

by Courtney
3 green bags

Looking for good shopping bag options or promotional business? Branded shopping bags are your perfect choice, and they are also good for any kind of business. A quality and well-designed shopping bag will go a long way in advertising your business.

This article will expose you to options for your shopping bags and why you need them to promote your business.

Top 2 Shopping Bag Options

Cotton bags

Cotton bags (know more) for promotional business bags are comfortable and attractive. They are relatively durable shopping bag options. You can make them in different styles and at different cotton weight depending on their shopping intent. 

The thicker your bags the better its durability, branded shopping bags can also come in the cotton form.

Using cotton shopping bags as an option for promoting your business

One of the many ways to use cotton bags for promoting your business is sharing at conferences and trade shows. It will help you reach a wider audience. People are always interested in collecting the promotional item at such an event. A quality cotton bag will definitely be of interest to them.

This is a form of cheap advertisement for your business. It gets better if when they use it afterward they take pictures and post on social media. This way it even gets more attention. 

You can also use it for packaging. Branded shopping bags for packaging goods says a lot about the business. If its cotton makes it even more durable and your customers are willing to show it off without you asking.

a green bag

Tote bags

Tote bags are also made with cotton just smaller than the bigger cotton bags. They are usually designed to be folded or rolled up. You can put them in your handbag or even your pocket this makes it easy to carry them around. 

Tote bags like the bigger cotton bags are made with different weights of cotton depending on durable you want it.

How to promote your business with shopping tote bag options

Like the bigger cotton bags, tote bags can be shared at conferences or trade fairs. It, however, is used mostly by shop owners who want to offer their customers a reusable package. These shopping bag options are not only profitable to a business owner, but they are also friendly to the environment.

To encourage your customers to reuse bags and show off your business in the process. You can offer incentives like loyalty cards or stamp, you can even offer a little discount. This way you have not only saved some money, but you have also promoted your business and made your environment safe.

Tote bags are the perfect way to show that you care about customers. The question is how would they carry their wares without these bags? 


Why you can never go wrong with promotional shopping bags

A lot of stores now charge for disposable bags, this has made printed reusable bags famous among shoppers. To this effect, as a business owner, offering your customers branded shopping bag options can be extremely useful for everyone.

The bags become a cheap means of advertising your brand, wherever the bag is used your brand is seen. It also makes your business unforgettable, it reminds the recipient of your business always.

As much as you may want to keep the information on your bags simple, you should also put enough. You want your bag to have enough messages to communicate what your business is about. 

It can also serve as furnishing for your business’s eco-credential. Using cotton or other eco-friendly material would increase your business eco-credential. This is because unlike disposable bags they are eco-friendly.

a white bag

What you need to make the right promotional bags

To get an effective result from your promotional bag, you need to make sure it holds your customers’ attention. They have to be valuable enough that they can be used over and over again.

What you should focus on when creating your bag are style and quality. It is what will make your customers keep using the bag. The promotional business shopping bag options have to be of good quality and stylish enough for anyone to want to shop with them.

You need to make brand shopping bags that will last really long. Long enough that even when constantly used that customers will just want to keep using them. Your customer is constantly pleased and your business is constantly advertised. You want to avoid materials that get tattered or ragged on time.

Apart from using quality material you also want to use something attractive or else your customers wouldn’t carry them. For them to carry it at all you need to make it attractive enough. 

Your choice of color, company’s branding and whatever graphics you choose should create a stylish feel. One that customers will be proud to carry around with them.

a yellow bag

Make your brand stand out with your choice of bag

There are a lot of branded shopping bags in circulation and you do not want yours to get lost. When making your promotional business bags you should look at creating a unique style. One that will always be associated with your brand. 

Just a look at the bag should already be screaming your brand. To achieve this you need to have done a lot of research and survey before making a choice of design. Your brand should always be the center of focus when making your choice of Shopping bag options. 

You may wonder why you need to catch attention with your bags. It is simple, they would get to places you couldn’t have reached. These bags get so many impressions in their lifetime so you cannot afford them to be poorly designed.

Make use of catchy but minimalist designs. Simple is beautiful in the end so make your designs count in this manner. 

a brown bag


Shopping bag options can be a real deal if you don’t know what to look for. As a business owner branded shopping bags are essential for branding your business. They are very effective and affordable, all you need do is make the right choice when choosing a design. 

You should always remember to center your promotional business bags on your business. The color, design, and theme should represent you. If you have any demand for custom shopping bags, welcome to inquire us at Zigpac.

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