The Most Common Types Of Personalized Necklaces

by Courtney

The world of personalized necklaces(personalisierte halskette) is currently taking over the jewelry or necklace-making universe. Personalized necklaces, also known as custom necklaces, are unique one-of-a-kind pieces designed by the wearer and manufacturer from scratch. They are usually given as gifts or intended for special occasions. These types of necklaces come in a wide range of styles. This post focuses on the primary personalized necklace types. 

Types of personalized necklaces

The following are some of the most popular types of personalized necklaces;

1. Name necklaces

As the title suggests, these are necklaces containing a name. It can either be your name, your loved ones, pets, home, or any other sentimental title. These necklaces come in a wide range of designs or styles. The following are probably the most well-known styles of name necklaces

a. Pendant name necklaces

As their name proposes, pendant name necklaces highlight an ordinary pendant on which the wearer’s name or the name of their cherished one is demonstrated. It is worth mentioning that a pendant is any hanging object on a necklace. This implies that it very well may be an emblem or a talisman with a name on it.

b. Locket name necklaces

Locket name necklaces generally highlight a locket on which a name is displayed. The name or tag can either be engraved behind or inside the memento (locket). The name may also be written on paper or engraved on a piece of metal, which is then interleaved inside the locket. The shared factor here is that the piece of jewelry includes a locket.

c. Medallion or emblem name necklaces

These necklaces include a name on a medallion. An emblem or medallion is a piece of round or oval decoration swinging from a chain. For this situation, the name is generally composed inside or on the emblem. It can either be written or engraved on the medallion.

d. Basic name necklaces

These name necklaces generally highlight a straightforward chain and a name. The necklace doesn’t have some other perplexing design components like pendants or medallions. The majority of them commonly have the name hanging from the necklace as a pendant. The name is typically bent from a piece of metal dictated by the fashioner or wearer.

2. Engraved necklaces

These are necklaces containing various forms of engravings. The engravings may feature a name, quote, verse, or any other combination of words depending on the wearer or the designer. Engraved necklaces also come in a wide range of styles. For instance, the engravings may feature varying fonts and font sizes. The engraved part of the necklaces maybe a pendant or a piece of metal hanging from the chain shaped in various ways.

3. Awareness necklaces

These pieces are usually made to showcase a specific cause. For instance, they can be used for cancer awareness or women’s rights. They make great personalized jewelry for special awareness events.


When choosing the best type of personalized necklace, it would help to pick one based on your style. It would also be wise to go through various designs on the internet. This will broaden your range and give you an idea of what to go for.

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